12-14 September 2018
National Congress of the Società italiana di Ecologia
6 June 2018, V. Lencioni
Presentations of some results of the project RACE-TN during the Scientific Cafè “Hai sentito anche tu? Accorgersi del clima che cambia: i segnali in Trentino”
MUSE – Science Museum
13-17 May 2018
SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting “Responsible and Innovative Research for Environmental Quality”
23 April 2018
Congress: “Inquinamento “emergente” nei fiumi trentini”
29 January 2018 – V. Lencioni
Presentations of some results of the project RACE-TN during the show N-ICE-CELLO: “Clima che cambia e crisi dell’acqua”
MUSE – Museo delle Scienze, Trento
29th September 2017
Researchers’ Night
MUSE – Science Museum
Effects of drugs and pesticides on the swimming (RACE-TN Project funded by the Caritro Foundation)
12-15 september 2017
National Congress of the “Società italiana di Ecologia”
2-8 July 2017
20 International Symposium on Diptera Chironomidae
22 May 2016
Festival della Biodiversità “Biodiversità del mondo invisibile in alta montagna”
18 May 2017
Workshop ”Emerging contaminants in the Trentino rivers”
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto (CARITRO Foundation, Trento, Italy)
Public workshop on RACE-TN results (first year) and dialogue with public administrations, health, waste treatment and environmental agencies.
Presentazione – Valeria Lencioni
Presentazione – Sara Castiglioni [it]
Presentazione – Sara Villa [it]
10 May 2017
Il Tè degli Insegnanti [Tea Teachers]: “Drugs, soaps and fragrances: the new pollutants for the environment”
7-11 May 2017
SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting “Environmental quality through transdisciplinary collaboration”
24 November 2016
Effects of emerging contaminants on animal behavior
University of Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy
22 May 2016
Biodiversity Festival
Invisible biodiversity in high mountain.
13 April 2016
Il Tè degli Insegnanti: “Microorganismi e qualità ambientale”
7th-8th April, 2016
Field trip for master’s degree students within the project: ‘A glance at research’
The project, promoted by the Technische Universität München (TUM) educational fund, aims at providing master’s degree students of the TUM Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering an opportunity to understand and experience what it means to work in an international scientific research project, by planning and performing scientifically relevant field-scale hydrological experiments.
The attending students will take part in a five-day field trip to the Adige catchment (Northern Italy) (April, 2016), involving MUSE, University of Trento, Museum of Rovereto and Meteotrentino. Two days (7th-8th April, 2016) will be devoted to hydrobiological investigations and laboratory activities within RACE-TN project coordinated by the Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology Department of the MUSE.
27 February 2016 – 18 June 2016
“Ask the scientists”